The politics, the unit variety, it all just came together. In some ways the peak of the series, because everything just clicked. I can forgive the bugs if it means I can manage campaigns that span from the Great Plains to Sri Lanka (and, unlike in Rome 2, actually have them remain manageable). Partly because it’s my favourite time period of any Total War game (omg history bias), but mostly because of its scale.
I’m crazy, right? Empire is many people’s least favourite Total War game, but even with its AI issues and bugs I still love this game to death. Any spinoffs or major expansions (like Fall of the Samurai) will be lumped in with the game they were released for. The second is that, like other Pecking Order lists, we’re only dealing with main games here. You may disagree, and are welcome to make your arguments in the comments below! I like to think that, over those hours, I’ve developed a taste for what I like, and what I don’t like, about the series.īefore we go any further, though, two things to note! The first is that this is my list. My Steam statistics reveal an embarrassing amount of time spent playing these games.
Creative Assembly’s Total War series has been massacring infantry for over a decade now, and in that time has gone from Shogunate Japan to Medieval Europe to ancient Rome the age of sail then…right back around again.